Coupon Terms and Conditions

This is an unpublished page. You are here if you were directed here for use of a coupon. Here are the terms of coupon usage:

  • Coupons have no independent value. Coupons cannot be redeemed, traded, or converted (to cash or anything else). Coupons have no expectancy or legal rights.
  • Coupons expire within three (3) calendar days unless otherwise expressly set forth in the coupon grant (that could be shorter or longer). Coupons end with the YYMMDD, which will always be the latest effective date, but could be earlier. COUPONS EXPIRATIONS ARE NOT EXTENDED BY ATTEMPS TO USE OR ANY OTHER EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES.
  • Results from coupon usage may be limited results; that is, not a complete representation of what
  • Coupons are only used for new account marketing purposes and cannot be used, directly or indirectly, by any current customer or for paying customer’s marks.
  • Coupons cannot be used more than one time by the same entity, directly or indirectly, meaning under common ownership or control.
  • MarkAssure reserves the right to deny any coupon usage in its sole discretion.
  • Any good or service acquired by or through the usage of a coupon is AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS AND RISKS, and WITHOUT WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, OF TITLE, OR FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. All coupons are gratuitous and conditional upon the actual application of the coupon.