The law requires that you police your marks. See what happens when you don’t monitor your mark.
A sample report is provided below. Your results would vary, depending upon the mark. Some marks generate many “hits” and some less. There is a sample report at the bottom of this page that is used as an example. Your report may look different if tailored by your MarkAssure partner.
- Email Wrapper (before you open it)
- The addresses are established by you, at a reasonable frequency that you set.
- The email subject identifies the mark that is being reported on in the email report.
- The subject further conveniently discloses the “highest rank.” In the example below a “2” is high and lower only than the highest rank of a “1,” which is usually an exact hit. The reports are incremental, meaning that each report shows only from the last report.
- Email Content, Preamble Information
- The Red Bar on the masthead tells you immediately that there is a critical result. MarkAssure uses the “USA Homeland Security” level colors and where this result (Red) fits that scaling. See more about the 5 color Alert Levels.
- The top of the report tells your the mark being reported.
- The Alert Box at the right shows you textually and by color chart the Alert Level. In this case, you see “SEVERE ALERT” and the Red Alert level, which also discloses that it is the highest alert.
- The introductory paragraph identifies the mark as well as your contact point for information. If you purchased MarkAssure from partner, this will be the partner’s contact information.
- Email Content, Report Matrix (Table)
- Each new mark row in the report table has a small color box at the far left of the mark. In the sample below, you will see a red alert box preceding at the left of ACME. This tells you immediately that this result is a Severe Alert.
- The mark column has the name of the presumably adverse mark.
- Serial column is the serial number at the United States Patent & Trademark Office, that is a live hyperlink for your further review. You can click the link in the report to go directly to the USPTO to review the official details of the mark.
- The Description column gives you one of the claims for your general reference. There may be more claims, but one is reported for convenience. Click into the mark for all the details at the USPTO.
- The “Search Type” is the type of AI-search that generated the results. These range from “exact” to “fuzzy logic” that the AI engine uses to make judgments about likely problems. Click the link for more information about the Search Type. There are many search type, using both direct and fuzzy searches using the AI engine.
- The AI engine then ranks all the results and includes a “priority” rating in the “Rank” column. For example a “1” is worst case scenario (SEVERE ALERT) and a “90” is for information only (Low Alert). It is critical to review all results, but the Rank tells you “Importance” that the AI engine has determined for you.
MarkAssure has been providing monitoring services as the original and has devoted significant research and development into providing you with “at a glance” information, with an easy pathway for you to do more detailed research. Without monitoring the USPTO, you may miss opportunities to prevent an adverse party from acquiring rights in the mark, making enforcement significantly more difficult later.